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- /* Split'n'Mail
- v1.2 24-Jun-97
- Script for splitting and posting a long ASCII file.
- Requirements:
- - YAM
- - reqtools.library
- - rexxsupport.library
- - rexxreqtools.library
- - a really long ascii file you want to mail
- Operation:
- - The script splits the file automatically OR when a line consisting only
- '.break' (without quotes) is encountered.
- - By changing the value of use_separators, you can decide if the parts are
- enclosed between the following lines:
- BEGIN PART 6 --- *** --- *** --- *** ---
- END PART 6 --- *** --- *** --- *** ---
- Send bug reports, comments and hate mail to knikulai@utu.fi.
- If you want to get the list of my AREXX-scripts or their latest versions,
- send mail to knikulai@utu.fi with subject 'request' and words 'help' and
- 'allfiles' in the message body, both on it's own line.
- */
- options results
- breakline='.break' /* You can change this to anything you like */
- use_separators='yes' /* This value should be 'yes' or 'no' */
- tmp='t:' /* Temporary files are stored here. You might want to
- change this if you are low on memory or the file is
- very large. */
- title="Split'n'Mail by knikulai@utu.fi"
- butts='_Ok|_Cancel' /* :-) I know it's childish... :-) */
- tags='rt_pubscrname=YAMSCREEN' /* Change here the name of the screen YAM runs */
- call addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30)
- call addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30)
- email=rtgetstring('','Enter recipients e-mail address',title,butts,tags,selection)
- if selection=0 then call ErrorMsg("You must enter an address!")
- filename=rtfilerequest('','','Select file to post',,tags)
- if filename='' | ~exists(filename) then call ErrorMsg("File doesn't exist!")
- maxl=rtgetlong(400,'How many lines per part?',title,butts,tags,selection)
- if selection=0 | maxl<50 then call ErrorMsg("Too few lines per part!")
- subj=rtgetstring(filename,'Enter subject of post',title,butts,tags,selection)
- if selection=0 then call ErrorMsg("You must enter a subject!")
- ok=open(infile,filename,'R')
- if ~ok then call ErrorMsg("Can't open file!")
- fc=1 /* part counter */
- do while ~eof(infile)
- ok=open(outfile,tmp || fc,'W')
- if ~ok then call ErrorMsg("Could not open file for part "llfc)
- if upper(use_separators)='YES' then call writeln(outfile,'BEGIN PART '||fc||' --- *** --- *** --- *** ---')
- lc=0 /* line counter */
- do until line=breakline | lc=maxl | eof(infile)
- line=readln(infile)
- lc=lc+1
- if line~=breakline then do
- n=writeln(outfile,line)
- if n<=length(line) then call ErrorMsg("Can't write to file!")
- end
- end /* until line=breakline l lc=maxl */
- if upper(use_separators)='YES' then call writeln(outfile,'END PART '||fc||' --- *** --- *** --- *** ---')
- call close(outfile)
- if ~eof(infile) then fc=fc+1
- end /* until eof(infile) */
- address 'YAM'
- do i=1 to fc
- 'MailWrite'
- 'WriteMailTo "' || email ||'"'
- 'WriteSubject "'|| subj || ' (' || i || '/' || fc || ')"'
- 'WriteLetter "' || tmp || i || '"'
- 'WriteQueue'
- call delete(tmp || i)
- end /* i=1 to fc */
- call TheEnd /* Goodbye! */
- ErrorMsg:
- parse arg s
- call rtezrequest(s,"_Exit","Split'n'Mail error",tags)
- TheEnd:
- call remlib('rexxreqtools.library')
- call remlib('rexxsupport.library')
- exit /* All good things must eventually come to an end :-) */